Squats Training Today


My solace and meditation was blissful in the squat rack today. Just me, myself, and I. Had my  pre workout drink, my lifting gear, the heavy metal music…and I was set. My powerlifting competition is in 2 weeks!

Did low bar squats- warm ups, then 115 kg x 3, 120 kg x 3, 125 kg x 3, 130 kg x 3, 132.5 kg x 3, 132.5 kg x 3 (that’s just shy of 300 pounds, FYI).

Then high bar squats with pause, ...

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Training Update

Here is the latest on my training and nutrition!

1) My current split:

Mon- Deadlifts + Back

Tues- Bench- Wide Grip and Close Grip + Triceps

Wed- Low Bar Squats

Thurs- Intervals or rest

Fri- Bench + Tri’s

Sat- High Bar Squats

Sun- Shoulders (designed for helping Bench Press)

2) Working on total body tension:

One of the things I have been working on in my training is really utilizing the advantage of total body tension (or radiant tension). When I do any lifts, I try to keep my WHOLE ...

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Squatting 5 x 245

After my long vacation, I’m easing back into my workouts.

Saturday I did squats, working toward my USPA powerlifting meet in less than 7 weeks!

Here was my squat portion of the workout:

warm up

8 x 64

6 x 95

5 x 135

5 x 185


working sets:

5 x 225

5 x 225

5 x 230

5 x 235

5 x 245

5 x 245

(then hack squats, etc…)


In the video is the final set of my 5 x 245 squats!

Guest Post: The Knees-in Vs. Knees-Out Squat Debate- It’s Not About the Knees

This is a guest post by Lauren Sustineo, a former colleague of mine at Evolution Trainers. She moved her business, Sustineo Fitness to San Diego and is available at sustineofitness@gmail.com.

Recently I was introduced to Conrad Stalheim’s article, “Moderating the Knees In Versus Knees Out Squat Debate” summarizing an ongoing debate about knee position during the squat. This article does a great job introducing the topic and led me to the right links so that I could educate ...

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Squatting with Chains


Squatting with chains is a nice variation. Instead of just squatting with the barbell, you add chains to the sides so that as the squatter descends, more of the chains lay on the floor, decreasing the overall load. As the squatter ascends, the chains are raised from the floor, increasing the overall load. This requires greater force production at the top ...

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