Squats Training Today


My solace and meditation was blissful in the squat rack today. Just me, myself, and I. Had my Β pre workout drink, my lifting gear, the heavy metal music…and I was set. My powerlifting competition is in 2 weeks!

Did low bar squats- warm ups, then 115 kg x 3, 120 kg x 3, 125 kg x 3, 130 kg x 3, 132.5 kg x 3, 132.5 kg x 3 (that’s just shy of 300 pounds, FYI).

Then high bar squats with pause, ...

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Squatting 5 x 245

After my long vacation, I’m easing back into my workouts.

Saturday I did squats, working toward my USPA powerlifting meet in less than 7 weeks!

Here was my squat portion of the workout:

warm up

8 x 64

6 x 95

5 x 135

5 x 185


working sets:

5 x 225

5 x 225

5 x 230

5 x 235

5 x 245

5 x 245

(then hack squats, etc…)


In the video is the final set of my 5 x 245 squats!

Squat PR of 320.67 lbs wooo!!! + 20 pullups weeeeeee!!!!



Here is video PROOF! πŸ˜€

aw man, excited. Last day of skwatz & deadies with Dan before Argentina!


Here is da squat- this is super exciting for me! 320.67 lbs buddy!!!


I hit the squat PR, then actually hit a deadlift PR (358.25 lbs)! What a great day, eh?! πŸ˜‰ Then Dan had me do two sets of pull ups and two sets of rows.

Here is da pull ups -no big deal, just in case you want some ...

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