Master of the Box, Woodway Curve, and Powerlifting Update

Just a quick post so you peeps know i’m alive πŸ˜‰

read this great article the other day, and wanted to pass it along:

Mike Boyle, prominent strength coach, writes how it is more important to be MASTER of the box before attempting to “think outside of the box.” Athletic excellence is not necessarily about any fancy tricks. Its mastery of the simple things. Rotation, single leg balance, deceleration, level change, properly pulling, pushing, etc etc…No fancy gadgets or ...

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4 Thanksgiving Day Strategies to Battle the Bulge!

Good morning my lovelies!
Happy Thanksgiving πŸ˜‰
I’m waking up and about to get my sweat on before I meet my fam that flew into town. πŸ˜‰ So excited to see them.

First of all, I want to share some random updates….
Last week I twisted my ankle showing off during dancing (karma bites me) so that, as well as other minor health issues, have impeded my powerlifting training. I will still compete, but I am feeling weak and stiff, so ...

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First Powerlifting Competition!!

Hello folks!
I am super excited about my first powerlifting competition: United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) NORCAL Powerlifting Championship on Dec 15th, in Modesto.
I don’t know why, but I always like setting my eye on new ambitious challenges, and my newest challenge is to jump in to my first powerlifting meet, and not only compete, but win first place, and break all the state records for my division.

To this end, I am shifting my focus from bodybuilding style workouts ...

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Pushpita, Hot Mamacita!

Today I want to share the story of my client Pushpita. She was feeling too heavy for her 5’5’’ frame. On 2/21/12, she was sitting at 167 lbs (with very little of those pounds being lean muscle mass). She also did a 12 second plankΒ  = x

She had a daughter aged 13 months and had gained a lot of weight POST pregnancy. DURING pregnancy, she had developed gestational diabetes, so she changed her eating habits and did a ton of ...

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Diana: Inspiring Diabetes-Management & Weight Loss Client

Diana, Diana, Diana.

WOW, what a transformation!

She is a tender little one, at the youthful age of 24!

She came to me after being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, and realized that if she didn’t make a change, her life would be cut short. She hoped that exercise could help prevent her from taking diabetes medication. (so far, so good!)

She works out with me 3 days a week, and walks every day at lunch. She watches what she eats, and has to ...

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Perform Better 2012 Recap

WOW!!!! The Perform Better Functional Training Summit in Long Beach, California was AMAZING.

Here is pic of the peeps from Evolution who came to the summit. I look really weird, don’t mind me

SO HAPPY that I decided to participate in this summit.

I have been reluctant to participate in many continuing educational opportunities because I have been concerned about budget, since I am still ...

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New PR’s in Deadlift, Bench, and Pull Ups!!

Yeahhh Buddy. So I mentioned a few weeks ago that my friend at Rise Above Strength Gym has a record board on his wall, divided into different categories. In the adult female bracket (my bracket), Bre dominated. I’ve never met her, and there’s nothing personal– it’s just that I felt like breaking some records. Among other records, she had done a weighted pull up at 27 pounds, a bench press at 135 pounds, and a deadlift at 255 pounds. Although ...

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Laura, Client Success Story – Weightlifting for Women

Laura and I started working together a few years ago, and at that time I followed the NASM model starting with stability, then strength, then power. I don’t want to give myself all the credit for her stability, balance, and core strength, but I can’t help but plug myself that I did a solid stability program with her πŸ˜‰ I’m pleased that now that we are focusing on a lot of strength exercises, she still demonstrates a high level of ...

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Motivation Through Breaking Records

Okay, so someone who I think is really smart once said to garner motivation from ***anywhere***– doesn’t matter from where. So recently I have been inspired to seek my 1RM in a few different exercises in order to break the records at Rise Above Performance. It’s a small gym in Belmont that focuses on performance enhancement. The adult female bracket is filled with high scores but I seek to break a few. Weighted pull ups (1RM), bench press (1RM), ...

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