Katie’s 25 pound fat loss in 3 months!

Today I want to give a humungous shout-out to my rockstar client Katie. She has been successfully undertaking a dramatic body re-composition, and her most recent hydrostatic bodyfat test demonstrates crazy-amazing numbers.


Bodyfat %:

Previous Test 03/01/2013 41.65 %

Today’s Test 06/07/2013 33.64 %

Change in body fat percentage -8.02 %


Total Weight:

Previous Test 03/01/2013 204.5 lbs.

Today’s Test 06/07/2013 179.5 lbs.

Change in total weight -25 lbs.


Lean Mass:

Previous Test 03/01/2013 119.32 lbs.

Today’s Test 06/07/2013 119.12 lbs.

Change in lean mass -0.2 lbs.


Fat Mass:

Previous Test 03/01/2013 85.18 lbs.

Today’s Test 06/07/2013 60.38 lbs.

Change in fat mass -24.8 lbs.


The fact that in only three months she essentially lost 25 pounds of FAT, with zero MUSCLE loss is practically beyond what anyone could hope for! Yes, the “books” say you can achieve that, but in reality, who does that?! She follows my program to a T, and the results have been spectacular.

Here is Katie’s side of the story:

After working with Kristina for months in the gym and putting minimal effort on making better food choices, the results were slow and small. Then I realized I had this WONDERFUL & AMAZING trainer, resource, partner that was giving me all the knowledge I needed to achieve this goal but I was picking and choosing what I information I was listening to. Why? I don’t do that in any other part of my life. When we hire experts to help us achieve a task, we listen because we don’t know how to achieve the goal without them. I looked in the mirror. This has been a lifelong struggle for me so I CLEARLY didn’t know what I was doing. In that moment, there was a switch mentally for me.

Making the RIGHT food choices was so hard!! The first six weeks were the most difficult because I had NO IDEA how many calories was in anything I was eating. I had to calculate everything and it was frustrating, overwhelming and time consuming. However, once I established some core 6-8 meals, it became much easier.

On any given day I could easily think of five excuses why I couldn’t go to the gym. Since the first Body Fat testing I follow exactly the training schedule Kristina sets for me. She introduced me to HIITs and that has provided amazing results. Change it up but always try to push a little harder…….even though I still don’t like the hand bike!!!!

Kristina has been AMAZING & INSPIRING! She’s always there for with reassurance when I have a bad food day or don’t think I can push through a certain workout. I trust her 110% to lead me down the path to my final goals….as long as I listen 🙂


I am so proud of her, and she is such an inspiration!!! Go Katie!


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