Wed Ass Beat, Fri Grappling Champion, & Excitement List

This past week has been surprising! It felt sooo long, but I didn’t even work out on Monday!

Monday= sick (food poisoning)

Tuesday= I took Muay Thai (among other things) and that messed me up for the week. I think I pulled my right calf muscle and I was limping all week. I kept on going and going, though, and yesterday I could barely walk! 🙁 Tuesday night I hardly slept.

Wednesday= I was dead tired. In morning class, Ray told me that I “better show up” for the afternoon advanced MMA class because he would be inviting a female Muay Thai fighter to spar me in boxing. Joy. I showed up. She beat my ass in front of everyone, and Ray was screaming at me. It was quite demoralizing. But fun. Well, I look BACK and appreciate it but at the time I was quite crushed. While rolling at the end of MMA class, my toes starting cramping, and then about 5 minutes later I felt this sudden, incredibly sharp crampy-type feeling in my stomach that caused me to stop rolling and keel over. Ever since then, a specific area of my abdomen has been hurting, when it is stretched, or when I contract the muscles such as in sitting up, coughing, or other movements. Either I slightly pulled a muscle, or I hope it’s not a slight hernia. Wednesday night I hardly slept.

Thursday= Only did morning MMA (jiu jitsu), and private jiu jitsu afterwards. Was super tired.

Friday= Only did morning MMA (jiu jitsu).

************I WON THE IN HOUSE GRAPPLING TOURNAMENT!!!!!!************

Our class divided into two sections, and I won my section!!!!!!!!!! SWEEEEETTT!!!!!!! yeaaaaahhh champion for the dayyyyy I dunno howww but I’ll take it wooooo!!! After that, I felt completely crippled, could barely walk and that oddly specific spot in my abdomen felt concerning, so I stayed in bed pretty much all day and tried to recover.

Today (Saturday) I am not THAT mobile, but at least walking around my room is easier! I still think I should give my body a break today, so I don’t plan on doing too much today, probably a few errands and that’s it.

In others news, I am ready to go home! By January 20th, I will be excited. Appreciation/Excitement List:

  • I SO appreciate all the nutritional information of foods being at my fingertips in the States. Here, I don’t know what I am eating/drinking.
  • I can’t wait to cook my own food!
  • I can’t wait to work out at the gyms back home! 24, Gold’s, whatevs- I’m excited for fully equipped, massive gyms with AC!
  • I can’t wait to have my Arnica lotion, USP Labs BCAA’s, and USP Labs Jack3d!
  • I can’t wait to not be fraught with bug bites and heat rashes and constant staph paranoia.
  • I can’t WAIT to see my favorite massage therapist Jen.
  • I can’t wait to drive my car! And go to the store! And navigate freeways and everywhere no problem!
  • I can’t wait to…hm…read my books!

I can’t wait to…umm….a lot of things!!! 🙂 There will be tons I miss about Thailand, but it’s also nice I have developed appreciation for things I had taken for granted in the States.

Lots of love to you all <3 <3

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