My Chef By Request: Days 2 & 3

Sunday‘s My Chef By Request:


Breakfast: Eggs w/mushrooms + 2 slices of pear

Snack: One strawberry + fruit dip

Lunch: Salad w/turkey, avocado, and tomato

Snack: Artichoke with spinach and pine nuts

Dinner: Turkey sausage (?) with sautéed chard, tomatoes, peas, and carrots

In addition, throughout the day I ate:

1.5 scoops protein powder, one apple, one nectarine, and salad w/protein and olive oil.

Total estimated macros:

173 g P, 110 g C, 73g F = 1789 cal

I rested yesterday after all the frenetics of Saturday, and I know it did my muscles well to repair!

Today I felt great!  I am consistently making strength gains, and I am loving it!

Monday’s My Chef By Request:

Today I ate:

Eggs + some type of sausage + 3 pieces orange

Eggs + some type of sausage + 3 pieces orange

Nuts + "chocolate mousse"???

Nuts + "chocolate mousse"???

Salad w/chicken + cucumber + tomato + unknown vegetable??? (those strings of yellow on top)

Salad w/chicken + cucumber + tomato + unknown vegetable??? (those strings of yellow on top)

Some type of sausage + roasted pepper

Some type of sausage + roasted pepper

Shrimp + green beans + squash + tomato w/some type of pesto topping?

Shrimp + green beans + squash + tomato w/some type of pesto topping?

Plus some protein pancakes, and casein (unpictured).

Today’s estimated macros: 209 g P,  67g C,  51 g F = 1563 cal.

FYI, I have been feeling really great eating such high protein, and low carb (and the occasional higher carb day, such as yesterday).  I don’t recommend it to the average Jane, but if you are into fitness or figure then this is a regular way of life.

Eating out of a cooler with My Chef by Request has been nothing new to me. MCBR has saved me some time by not going grocery shopping as much, cooking as much, cleaning as much…BUT so far I am telling you that I don’t find it a panacea. I still have to consider how I will supplement the food each day and include/cook it, what I feel I will need through the day especially with regard to my workouts and schedule….and still think about the food like uhhh is this food I want to eat? Prefer to eat? Do I WANT to eat this ______ or would I prefer to eat my “own” food?

I think the My Chef By Request would be sooo helpful and ideal for people who are not knowledgeable about what healthy is, or don’t know how to cook healthy or don’t have the time/energy….but, for me, I am not the ideal client since I am so picky and self-reliant.

But I have been enjoying the variety of foods I don’t normally cook for myself, and enjoying not taking a million trips to the grocery store! 😉

So, the experiment continues…

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  1. april  July 6, 2010

    One strawberry for a snack?? I would cry! LOL! But verything else looks pretty good actually.. And yay for getting yoru strength back!!

  2. lindsay  July 6, 2010

    That food looks good! I think I would try it once but I LOVE cooking and going to the grocery store. Ya, I’m crazy like that. haha.

  3. Barbara  July 9, 2010

    That is NOT enough food for me! I am all about Volumetrics! As in I will eat until stuffed. Enter the veggies…. Thanks for the Italian Breadstick comment! lol. As for where the pictures are?
    Well…. there weren’t any as I made this routinely awhile back and ATE IT ALL. The pictures are on my crashed computer and I don’t know how to get them off! lol. Lame, I know!
    So glad your strength is back!

  4. Donnie Edley  July 1, 2011

    Yeah, I have this allergy so it would be difficult to make this happen. Will try out a variation though!


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