Day 1 of Figure Prep- COMPLETED

Sooo, I am ecstatic to announce that I will be competing at the August 6th INBA Natural Bodybuilding Championships in Windsor, CA. My first figure competition! There will be bodybuilding, figure, fitness, bikini, etc. I will be entering the 1-piece and 2-piece figure division. I just decided on Monday. Which gives me about 12 weeks prep. The past week or so I have just been doing my own diet and exercise, just doin what I do. To help me take it to the next level, I’m excited to work with IFBB figure pro Akane Nigro-Ismeal.


I decided at least this first time around to work with a coach. Maybe after this I will create my own form of figure prep that is a bit more functional/progressive, but for the time being I am putting myself in my coach’s experienced hands. She just sent me my nutrition/supplement/cardio/resistance training schedule, so today was the first day I was able to implement her recommendations. I feared that the smaller quantity of food would leave me grouchy or starved, but not so! I went to a gorgeous BBQ today and was so proud of myself for sticking to my diet! Then, AFTER the BBQ, I hit up the gym and made sure I got my cardio in! I’m such a good little girl… 😉 so far :::cough cough::: I am feeling so optimistic! I mean, 12 weeks out- I guess this is the EASY part so hopefully I WOULD have a positive attitude! But hey, so far so good.

I have a feeling the next 12 weeks will involve A LOT more cardio than I’m used to, as well as a LOT of time in the kitchen cooking, measuring, packaging, cleaning dishes, etc.

I am sad to have to give MMA a back seat to figure but at the moment- for the next 12 weeks- I have to make figure training the priority. Tomorrow will be my first day of Akane’s prescribed cardio AND weights, so we’ll see how much more energy I have to do any martial arts. I’m really excited to transform myself and embark on this self-experimentation and meet new challenges and witness the power of nutrition (and exercise) in dramatically altering one’s physique within a short time frame. I’ve wanted to do figure for a long time but just decided now is the time, damnit. I need motivation. Aug 6th, in a bikini on stage? THAT’S motivation! I’m doing it!

Now I just need to learn to walk (gracefully) in 5 inch clear heels.



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  1. Sharon  May 16, 2011

    WOOHOO! I’m so excited for you! 🙂

  2. april  May 16, 2011

    Woohoo this is so exciting!! I hope you will blog more about it 🙂 I’m rooting for you..your going to rock it!


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