Katie’s 25 pound fat loss in 3 months!

Today I want to give a humungous shout-out to my rockstar client Katie. She has been successfully undertaking a dramatic body re-composition, and her most recent hydrostatic bodyfat test demonstrates crazy-amazing numbers.


Bodyfat %:

Previous Test 03/01/2013 41.65 %

Today’s Test 06/07/2013 33.64 %

Change in body fat percentage -8.02 %


Total Weight:

Previous Test 03/01/2013 204.5 lbs.

Today’s Test 06/07/2013 179.5 lbs.

Change in total weight -25 lbs.


Lean Mass:

Previous ...

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Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing Results!!!

Wow! Great news today 🙂

I’m two weeks out, and was sooo curious what my body fat is.

I hate calipers and most other forms of body fat testing, because they are highly inaccurate. Luckily, I had heard of a mobile hydrostatic testing service called “Fitness Wave Norcal.” I was able to book an appointment with them for after my clients- yes! Serendipity 😉 For those of you who aren’t familiar with hydrostatic body fat testing, it is regarded as the ...

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