"Abs: You're Doing it Wrong"-Guest Post by Robin Romero

Today we are featuring a guest post by the delightfully sinful yet health-conscious NPC bikini competitor Robin Romero.


As summer approaches, she recognizes that we want to tighten up dee abs. As such, she shares her tips on how she gets flat abs. For more info, stalk her on her Facebook fan page Facebook.com/robinromerofitness

Abs: You’re Doing it Wrong

You’ve heard these a ...

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Are You a Magic Seeker? ->By ChickenTuna

I. love. this. Great motivation! For me…and to spread to my clients! When they are quibbling about not seeing results after one workout and one clean meal…or people asking me about how effective L-Carnitine is or anything else…yet their diet is not 100%…I want to say “what’s the point??”…no supplement can counteract an inconsistent diet…Anyway, “ChickenTuna” has been a contributing member of BodySpace (associated with BodyBuilding.com) for many years now and her abs are more than memorable. Yes, I know ...

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