Powerlifting training update 3.5 weeks out

My Strength

This week’s training has been a bit frustrating, because I don’t seem to be hitting the numbers I used to be able to hit!

For example, with squats…

Before Argentina, I hit 320. I want to hit 326 in the meet. Today I tried for 308 and failed. My strength felt decent but my form was a bit off. I am having problems getting my balance right, which doesn’t allow me to fully leverage my own strength. It’s funny, because Dan keeps reminding me of things like “weight in your heels” or “upper back tight” but then…guess I still can’t manage to follow instructions? lol.

I kind of want to blame my lack of “strength” on my caloric deficit but I don’t know if I can honestly do that.

I do know that I am working my butt off, trying my hardest, every single day, every single workout.

And with deadlifts, for example, I’m not hitting the reps Dan wants me to. With this lift, my back feels a lil sketch, so I’m not pushing that lift TOO much, but I do feel a tiny bit disappointed when I don’t hit the lifts he wants me to.

Let’s see how bench goes tomorrow.


My bodyweight

Also, my bodyweight is still pretty far off to hit my weight class, but I still believe I will be able to pull it off. Since I want to focus on STRENGTH stimulus for my body, instead of cardio (Mantra: I am a MUSCLE MACHINE…RAWR!), my fat loss methods (aside from hurling weights violently like a fucking savage, which is a given) are centered around increased activity with frequent leisurely walks in the sun and more stretching/pumps; and a caloric deficit and optimal nutrient timing by being strict with my macros and deliberate about what I will eat and when.

Will keep you posted!

Lots of love <3


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