Back & Biceps Today

Peep it, yo.

Had a great back n biceps workout, with weighted pull ups, weighted rack chins, single arm row, pull downs, seated row, dumbbell pullovers, rear fly machine, EZ bar curls, and seated dumbbell curls.

My blog formatting for mobile/email is in transition, so FYI I am posting the video of my workout here but if you don’t see the video, please visit my website so you can check out the video!

Love of love,

and lots of ...

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Yay! I love da gym. One of my fav exercises is PULL-UPS!

Here I was, cranking out my SECOND  set of 15 consecutive WIDE GRIP PULL-UPS! woooooo!

This week I have been feeling super focused, feeling motivated to get strong and lean for my upcoming powerlifting and physique competitions! 😀

Love and lats and laughter and lattes n lunges n all cool things with an L cuz why not,


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2014 is going to be a great year

I know this is a little overdue in posting, but I wanted to share with you guys some of my 2014 “promises” and what I’m doing now.

I’m ready to get back to competition this year, I want to dance more, explore new horizons, get a bit more out of my shell; it’s the revival of KRISTINA!

On the gym front, I have returned to powerlifting. I want to compete in June and break some more records, so I am training with ...

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Selling my one piece figure suit–>

An original Renee Paz one piece figure suit that was designed specifically for my show in 2012, in which I won first place. This suit features an underwire top, beautiful emerald colored base with pink accents. I weighed 125 pounds, at 5’4”, with a B-C cup. Worn once. This suit is in mint condition. Please email if interested

Please spread the word. Thanks! 😉

Yummy Meal Prepping

Hello ladies and gentlemen, guess what, I’m back to cooking. For a while my fridge was bare because nothing seemed enticing to cook, and also I was sort of embracing spontaneity and flexibility and going out to eat and all that. But, as many of you probably relate to, while I loved that, there was a little part of me that wanted that discipline.

I couldn’t impose that on myself, though. I just couldn’t. I didn’t really want to. I wanted ...

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10 Week Fitness Challenge Kickoff!

I haven’t divulged much to you, dear readers, because I feel too vulnerable. But I’ll just say that September through January were some of the roughest times of my life, and I fell into a depression. It’s only when you hit rock bottom that you are forced to make a change, so these past few months I have devoted myself to improving myself psychologically/emotionally. I implemented a multi-faceted attack, and throughout the months, I was able to transform! I used ...

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"Abs: You're Doing it Wrong"-Guest Post by Robin Romero

Today we are featuring a guest post by the delightfully sinful yet health-conscious NPC bikini competitor Robin Romero.


As summer approaches, she recognizes that we want to tighten up dee abs. As such, she shares her tips on how she gets flat abs. For more info, stalk her on her Facebook fan page

Abs: You’re Doing it Wrong

You’ve heard these a ...

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There Will Be a Brief Intermission

I don’t know how much you were looking forward to my return to the stage this March. I certainly was!

Unfortunately, there are personal circumstances that do not permit me to do the show. I have to focus on these circumstances at the forefront before I can provide a new show date with certainty.

Although I want to keep plugging through, I know that my decision is for the best, and I will come back stronger, badder, and tougher than ever. Your ...

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