6 Sensible Guidelines in Flexible Dieting

1) Eat mostly whole foods that are not processed. —> Flexible dieting is about making choices that are SUSTAINABLE. That means you don’t say “I have to be PERFECT all the time” (what is that saying about you as a person, anyway?!)….You can indulge occasionally in “treats” and still feel on track, and still achieve your fitness goals. However, it’s optimal for health and, for most people, body composition, if the majority of your daily intake comes from non-processed, whole foods.

2) Get at least 25 grams of fiber a day. —> Fiber helps prevent against disease, it keeps you satiated, it aids in digestive health, and helps ya go poopie!

3) Get at least 5 servings of veggies a day. —> They are full of fiber (see #2), they are high in micronutrients yet low in calories. The nutrients in vegetables are vital for health and maintenance of your body, and eating a diet rich in vegetables may reduce risk for stroke, cancer, heart diseases and type-2 diabetes.

4) Consume 1 gram per pound of bodyweight per day. —> Multiple studies have shown that getting adequate protein is good for building muscle and keeping muscle. It’s hard to gain strength and/or burn fat when your fat-burning machinery (MUSCLES) is limited. Protein ALSO is thermogenic and satiating. While exact numbers vary as to whether you should consume 1 g per pound of lean mass, or 1 g per pound of TOTAL bodyweight, or 1.5 g per pound of bodyweight….a safe bet is to consume a daily intake of protein in grams equal to your bodyweight.

5) Try to spread your macros relatively evenly through the day. —>Although flexible dieting is indeed FLEXIBLE…not eating all day, then “saving” all your macros for alcohol and chips late at night is not gonna be best for your health and fitness. Gotta say. My clients who see the best results are the ones who are conscientious about meal spacing, nutrient timing, and making sure they are getting steady steams of macro and micronutrients throughout the day, to fuel their body and keep their blood sugar stable, sanity in check, energy high, and motivation high.

6) Don’t eat things that make you feel sick! —> Yes, eating pop tarts and ice cream all day is fun. But if you have a food allergy to something, or if you consume a food and you feel like crap afterwards….just a thought…lay off it! Just because it is technically “on plan” doesn’t mean you should eat something that affects you perniciously. Be wise!

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